雷蒙娜斯科特: Student Veteran to Cross the Stage


雷蒙娜斯科特A new generation of UIW graduates are preparing to walk the stage as the Spring 2024 term comes to a 关闭. The end of yet another semester brings about a time of reflection on all the notable memories, achievements and progress students have made throughout their UIW journeys.

This year’s graduating class includes 雷蒙娜斯科特. 在威斯康星大学期间, Scott not only earned her Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources in 2020 but has now earned her master’s degree in Organizational Development and Leadership.

获得这个学位的, I am now equipped with the expertise and abilities necessary to effectively manage and handle my personnel,斯科特说。.

Scott is a proud Air Force Veteran who retired in 2018. As a part of the veteran student population that is present at UIW, Scott was able to take advantage of working with the UIW 军事和退伍军人中心 (MVC), which assists students using educational benefits under the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Educational Assistance Programs and Department of Defense Tuition Assistance in the pursuit of their educational goals.

“I collaborated extensively with the MVC during the pursuit of my bachelor's degree,斯科特分享道。. “I utilized the Vocational Rehabilitation Program offered by the VA, 与MVC协作, to ensure that all my needs and requirements were addressed. They ensured that I had access to all the essential resources and support necessary for me to successfully complete my degree program.”

Scott approached and overcame many of the obstacles that come with striving for a degree. She excelled in academically demanding courses and adapted to the difficult changes that came with learning in a virtual world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, Scott also had the challenge of earning her degrees with a learning disability. 她分享了雷蒙娜斯科特 she experiences Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which impairs her memory and ability to concentrate in the classroom.

Scott explained that UIW’s Student Disabilities Office offered a variety of accommodations that helped her achieve her goal of earning a master's degree.

“The UIW Student Disabilities Office was exceptional in ensuring that my disability accommodations were effectively implemented to facilitate my success,斯科特说。.

Nothing hindered her determination and passion in advancing herself through her studies.

作为美国的现任成员.S. 作为GS-07服役, civilian personnel recruitment and placement staffer, she hopes that her latest educational achievement will help her to be promoted to a GS-09, civilian personnel classifications classifier.

Although UIW community members will miss Scott after having the opportunity to know her and see her flourish during her time at the University, they are also very enthusiastic to see what else she will accomplish in the future.

“Ramona stood out as an exceptional student,” stated Dr. Debbora Finlan, UIW 专业研究学院 adjunct professor. “Her discussions were always enthusiastic, insightful and encouraging. She reflected on her own experiences which brought her 关闭r to her peers and myself. Having 雷蒙娜斯科特 in my class was a pleasure, and I wish we had more opportunities to work together. Ramona is truly an instructor's dream student.”

在她正式离开大学之前, Scott made one last generous offer and donated to the UIW Graduating Class Campaign, which offers all graduating students the opportunity to commemorate their time at UIW, support future Cardinals and honor people who supported their dream by contributing a monetary gift to the University.

雷蒙娜斯科特“The reason behind my gift is the exceptional care and attention that UIW provides to its veteran students,斯科特分享道。. “Due to my disability, I faced significant challenges in studying and maintaining focus. 然而, the professors at UIW were instrumental in enabling me to achieve my academic goals of obtaining both my bachelor's and master's degrees. They dedicated their time and effort to assist me with my assignments, 考虑到我的残疾, 为了确保我的成功. I am eternally grateful to UIW and all the professors that provided assistance to me during my academic journey.”

随着2024年春季学期即将结束, the 道成肉身的大学 community stands in admiration of its graduating class, 雷蒙娜·斯科特就是其中的佼佼者. 斯科特在威斯康星大学的旅程, 以毅力为特征, 奉献, 和弹性, exemplifies the spirit of achievement that defines the Cardinal family. The 道成肉身的大学 bids farewell to 雷蒙娜斯科特 with gratitude and anticipation, knowing that her contributions will continue to uplift and inspire for years to come.