

教练 艺术系 Office Location: Kelso Arts Center, Room 112 电话: (210) 639-9901

在意大利出生和长大, Gabriella Boschi Scott moved to Monterrey, Mexico and subsequently to 圣安东尼奥, TX, where she has resided since 1986. Following work as an international retail and marketing consultant, she earned a Master’s degree in Art 历史 from the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 and has p艺术icipated in research and curatorial work on Latin American modern and contemporary 艺术. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Art 历史 at the University of the Incarnate Word.

  • M.A., Art 历史, University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥, 2014
  • B.A., Art 历史, University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥, 2009
  • B.A., Finance, University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥, 1994


10月12日- 11月21日, 2016 - Curator – UTSA Main Gallery – “Jorge Yázpik: From Sacred Geometries to Modern Topographies.“首先是U。.S. exhibition of works by Mexican sculptor Jorge Yázpik. http://issuu.com/utsaart/docs/yazpik_catalog_issuu

Spring 2012: Assistant Curator to Dr. 特蕾莎修女Eckmann for the UTSA 2012 Exhibition “Posada´s Broadsheets – Of Love and Betrayal”. http://issuu.com/utsaart/docs/posadacat

Fall 2010: Exhibition Neo-Mexicanism, A New Figuration: Mexican Art of the 1980s at the Instituto Cultural de México in 圣安东尼奥, 由博士策划. 特蕾莎修女Eckmann. Contributed two catalog essays and translated object labels from English to Spanish.


Spring 2011: Internship at the 圣安东尼奥 Museum of Art under the supervision of Dr. Marion Oettinger, Kelso Curator of Latin American Art.

Fall 2008: Internship at The Blue Star 当代艺术 Space of 圣安东尼奥 under the supervision of Bill FitzGibbons, 执行董事.


January 2016 to Present: Adjunct Professor of Art 历史 at The University of the Incarnate Word, 圣安东尼奥, TX. Courses taught: Ancient to Medieval Art Survey, Renaissance to Modern Art Survey, 现代艺术概览, Modern to Contemporary Mexican Art, 当代艺术, 当代艺术问题.

Fall 2015 – Winter 2016 - Art Institute of 圣安东尼奥 – 教练 – Course taught: Renaissance to 当代艺术 Survey.

Spring 2011: Teaching Assistant to Dr. 特蕾莎修女Eckmann for a Modern Art Survey class at the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥.


1991 - 1998年的副总裁, 营销CIBOLO集团, 圣安东尼奥, TX International Exports and Retail Consulting – Latin American Market

1989-1991 General Manager INDUSTRIAS BASICAS INTL.(维特罗公司的一个部门.)

1986-1989 Marketing Manager INDUSTRIAS BASICAS INTL.(维特罗公司的一个部门.) 圣安东尼奥, TX Marketing of Industrial Equipment, Chemicals and Raw Materials

November 7, 2015: Lecturer – The Day of the Dead Tradition in Mexican Art. 奥斯汀墨西哥艺术博物馆. Lecture and panel discussion on topics related to the Day of the Dead tradition.

August 31, 2015: Lecturer – Modern and Contemporary Mexican Art as seen through the SAMA collection. Lecture for the 圣安东尼奥 Museum of Art docent education seminar.

10月11日, 2011: Lecturer – ‘Cadáveres de madre e hija’ de José Guadalupe Posada: violencia, género y espacio en el contexto de la producción del miedo, presented at the IV Encuentro de Investigación y Documentación de Artes Visuales. 《oscuros. Violencia, Arte y Cultura – CENIDIAP (Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes México) – Mexico City (subsequently published by CENIDIAP).

帆板运动, 皮划艇, 健身, 阅读科幻小说, 历史), 歌剧, 旅行, 烹饪, 漫画小说, 当然还有桌游, 艺术, spectacle and visual culture in any shape and form.

OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT LIFE AWARD by the College of Fine and Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥, 2013

研究生 Research paper – 5th Place

研究生 Research Paper – 2nd Place


  • Italian and Spanish: fluent in reading, writing, and speaking;
  • French: reading comprehension level.
  • Latin: reading comprehension level and some translations.
  • Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art
  • Global 当代艺术/Post-colonial modernism
  • American Scene (Regionalism/Precisionism/Social realism)
  • Art 历史 Survey 1 - Ancient to Medieval Art
  • Art 历史 Survey 2 - Renaissance to Modern
  • 历史 of Modern Art (from Realism to Pop)
  • Modern to 当代艺术 of Mexico
  • 当代艺术
  • Topics in 当代艺术 - Seminar